Monday, October 12, 2009

I have over 5 million email addresses.How can I add all of these to 1 list and send them out at the same time?

I have over 5 million email addresses.How can I add all of these to 1 list and send them out at the same time? Do I need to own a server? Do I need certain software? If so how much will this cost and where can I get it from?
I have over 5 million email addresses.How can I add all of these to 1 list and send them out at the same time?
uhm ... 5 million addresses ... uh let's say that you own a company and those the the email adresses of your contacts (clients, furnitors). u need a smtp service on your website to make the newslist. but i don't think that you can send to all 5 million emails at once. but u can send the message for each email with smtp service and a little programing splitting the emails and sending the messages.
Reply:I'm not going to give information to a potential spammer, get a life pal!
Reply:boy, you must be the motha of all spammers!

And you'll need a motha of a multi-mailer to do that with!

Hope my e-mail id isn't among those!
Reply:I have no idea why you would want to send that many emails unless it is virus prone or spam...

try a google/yahoo! search for what your looking for
Reply:Please check your list and remove mine.

Thank you.
Reply:Just enter each email and place a ; after each one.
Reply:dont send it 2 me!!!!!!!
Reply:dammmm b you got more friends than tom lol
Reply:My, ain't you just the popular one!!! 5 Million!!??

Please take me off of your list as well!! I get enough junk mail as it is!!

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